Strasburg Christian Church

Music Director

Job Description/ Contract


Regarding the instrumental accompanist (organ, piano, bells, etc.) responsibilities:


Ø  Accompany all vocal service music for the congregation (hymns, Gloria Patri, Doxology).

Ø  Provide instrumental service music (prelude, offertory, communion, and postlude).

Ø  Play chimes to begin each service.

Ø  Accompany special music as needed (adult choir, children’s choir, individual singers or duets).

Ø  Provide all music for special church services (Maundy Thursday, Christmas Eve, etc.) and for funerals and weddings (as arranged and at an additional fee).

Ø  Arrange for piano and organ servicing, as needed.

Ø  Obtain substitute organist as needed during absence.


Regarding the vocal and other musicians’ responsibilities:


Ø  Lead the choir, singers and musicians as they lead the singing and praising of the congregation in order to lift up and glorify God in worship using eclectic style of music that is inclusive.

Ø  Commit to forming the choir as a small group; to include having times of check-in, praying for one another, in order to encourage and build relationships within music ministry. This is an opportunity to care for each other in a community setting.

Ø  Recruit vocalists, musicians and choir members.

Ø  Lead, attend and direct rehearsals for choir each week as well as each Sunday Worship Service.  If the Music Director is unable to be present for rehearsal or Sunday Morning Worship, it will be the responsibility of the Music Director to acquire a substitute.

Ø  Choose the anthem or other special music for Sunday Morning Worship Services. This includes selecting either those who are to sing the anthem – i.e. choir, youth choir and or individual singers or duets, as well as the musicians for each music piece.  This will be done in conjunction with the Minister and the sermon message for that week.

Ø  Meet with the Minister once a month to select hymns and songs for congregational singing based on the scripture for each week of the Sunday Morning Worship.  (The Minister will be responsible for communicating those hymns and songs to the Church Office Administrative Assistant.)  In addition, work with the Minister to choose special music as well as congregational singing for special Worship Services throughout the church calendar year (Maundy Thursday, Christmas Eve, Cantatas for Christmas and Easter, etc.).

Ø  Coordinate and communicate with the Church Office Administrative Assistant the titles for anthems and any other special music to appear in the bulletin (including prelude and postlude) at least one month in advance of each Sunday. 

Ø  Coordinate and communicate with children’s choir director for special music and service planning, as needed.

Ø  Coordinate and communicate with the Worship Team regarding special music plans for Sunday Worship Services. This includes special worship services (Maundy Thursday, Christmas Eve, Cantata’s, etc.).

Ø  Order music resources for choir and additional singers and musicians (anthems, CD’s, etc.) and communicate with church treasurer regarding budget and purchases.

Ø  Manage choral resources (anthems, CD’s etc.) in the choir room, including music filing and choir robe cleaning and maintenance.


General Information

Ø  The choir typically takes off from sharing their singing gifts on Sunday Morning Worship, as well as rehearsals, from July to mid-August. The choir typically resumes rehearsals mid-August to be prepared to sing the first Sunday in September. Therefore, it will be the responsibility of the Music Director to secure special music for the Sundays during July and August.


Ø  The Music Director is also an ex-officio member of the Worship Team and will attend monthly meetings to promote communication.


Requirements: The Music Director must have filled out a job application and approved for employment by both the Personnel Committee and the Church Board.  Employment is conditional upon completion of a favorable background check.


Source of Supervision: The Music Director works under the supervision of the Minister and is accountable to her/him.  He/She is hired by the Personnel Committee with approval of the Board. The Personnel Committee will meet with the Music Director annually for an evaluation and recommend financial compensation to the Budget Committee and Board.


Salary: The Church Board and Congregation will regulate all starting salaries and increases.  Current compensation will be a salary of $           per year. Compensation is reviewed by the Personnel Committee in consultation with the Minister, Worship Team, and Choir, and recommend to the Finance Committee as a part of the annual budget process.  Professional development opportunities are negotiable.


Vacation Time: Paid two one-week vacations (understanding that a week is defined as Monday – Sunday; therefore two Sundays may be missed). The Music Director will arrange for a substitute for these times. 


Resignation and Termination: The Music Director is required to notify the Minister of his/her resignation at least four weeks in advance of his/her termination dates.  If it is felt that the Music Director is not fulfilling the duties as described in this job description, he/she will be asked to resign by the Church Board with at least four week’s notice of the termination. 


We look forward to your employment with Strasburg Christian Church.



Music Director: _____________________________________________                   Date: _____________


Personnel Chairperson: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________